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Outdoor Assembly Event Lighting Concert Layher Stage 10x8m

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this is 2x1m Outdoor Assembly Event Lighting Concert Layher Stage, the project total sizes are 10x8m, height 2m with 2 stairs
Price: 43878
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  • Dragon Stage

packing weight: 4300kg

packing volume: 17cbm

Item Specification Quantity
steel assembly stage topping: 3.3x6.6ft
wooden 40 pcs
LR01,pillar and inner tube L= 1.50m 54 pcs
LR02,horizontal pipe,length:2m 90 pcs
LR02,horizontal pipe,length:1m 96 pcs
LR03,diagonal pipe(long side) L= 2.50 10 pcs
LR03,diagonal pipe(short side) L= 1.80 16 pcs
Fork 54 pcs
clamp 45 pcs
Stage adjustable base 54 pcs
Stage Stair wooden topping total 8 steps 2 pcs

Outdoor Assembly Event Lighting Concert Layher Stage 10x8m

Using a Layher Stage for an outdoor concert event offers several advantages. Here's how you can utilize an outdoor assembly-type Layher Stage for your concert:

Stage Size and Configuration: Determine the appropriate size and configuration of the Layher Stage based on the event's scale, the number of performers, and the available space. Layher stages are modular and can be customized to fit various dimensions and layouts. Consider the stage height, width, and depth to accommodate the performers, equipment, and desired stage design.

Stage Roof: Depending on the weather conditions and the concert's requirements, you may need a roof or canopy system for the Layher Stage. A weatherproof roof will protect the performers and equipment from rain or excessive sunlight. Consult with Layher or event production experts to choose a suitable roof system that can be securely installed on the stage.


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No.7,Xiaxi Industrial Area,Heshun,Nanhai District,Foshan,528241,Guangdong,China.

 +86  136 3132 8997



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