Generally, in our aluminum lighting truss installation works, there are ways of rigging lighting truss. The first way is rigging lighting truss vertically from ground to high place in the air. it shall use hoists to rig trusses up by pillars with help of other hoisting mechanism parts, such as top
In fact, there are 2 different structures, then there are 2 ways to rig the trusses.namely
There is nothing better than celebrating holidays with your family and friends. The Easter holiday is particularly festive and full of spring traditions. Decorating your home and church for Easter is a great way to mark the season. Churches can still celebrate with some creative decoration ideas des
Every time a church service is held, the congregation directs their attention to the stage. It is not uncommon for churches to have large impressive stages. It helps capture the audience's attention from the moment they step foot inside. You can still have a significant and remarkable church service
A common myth about stage design is that it is expensive and complicated. With little thought and effort, almost any church can improve its stage aesthetics, regardless of budget. You can make your church stage look fabulous and attract churchgoers with creative ideas. The size of your church stage