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How to hang a stage truss?

Publish Time: 2021-01-28     Origin: Site

How to hang a stage truss?

The stage is a space provided to the actors in the theater. The viewer can focus on the performance of the actor and obtain the desired viewing effect. This phase usually contains one or more platforms. Today we have to introduce the products related to the stage, it is a stage truss, a multi-function pillar that can be used in a wide range of applications. althoughStage trussMany people don't know how to use them, so this article will make a brief overview.

How to effectively hang a stage truss?

Main function of the stage truss

How to determine the quality of the aluminum stage truss?

How to effectively hang a stage truss?

· Determination of basic stability

On the mechanical, when the shape of the beam is similar to the bending moment of the simple beam, the upper and lower strings are uniformly distributed, and the axial force of the web is smaller. When building a stage truss, we need to build the foundation first to ensure its stability. First, four bases are placed on the approximate position, and then the bottom of the diagonal bracket is inserted into the outer side of the four corners.

· Tighten components

After building the base, we need to check if the four bases are level, which is very important to secure the diagonal struts to the base. Then tighten the diagonal bracket and the column and tighten the other end using the base extension to complete the installation of the lamp holder.

When hanging stage truss, we also use stage lifts. At the same time, after building a stage illumination truss system, each column should be installed four security diagonal support. In addition, we do not recommend building two gantry for any column. The most important thing is that all people who build a stage truss must be professional training and must not operate privately to avoid safety incidents.

Main function of the stage truss

The stage truss consists of many special shapes of aluminum juice. The stage truss has excellent load-bearing and stability, as well as a high degree of randomness. Once the trusse is successfully built, the performer can close to the audience and give them a visual experience. In short, if you don't use a stage truss, there is no complete performance.

How to determine the quality of the aluminum stage truss?

When choosing an aluminum stage truss, we can first observe the surface treatment of the truss. In general, inferior stage truss presents a rough and unestived look of paisure, and even irregular shapes. If you encounter this stage truss, you can eliminate it for the first time. Second, observe the welding of the stage truss, whether the observation cycle size is accurate, all of which will affect the stability of the stage truss. All in all, it is best to choose a high-quality stage truss from a well-known manufacturer, which can also avoid disputes in after-sales service.