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Stage lights common lamp positions and lamps

Publish Time: 2021-05-24     Origin: Site

First, the commonly used light position of the stage light

To do the configuration of a professional stage light, first understand the commonly used light positions of the stage luminaire, which is an important part of the configuration.

1. Side: Self-turning to the front of the front of the audience, the main role is the frontal lighting of the characters and the entire roasting of the whole plant.

2. Pars: Located on both sides of the outside, the light of the stage is divided into the upper and lower numbers, mainly spreading the surface light, enhances facial lighting, increasing the character, the plane of the character.

3. Columnum (also known as lateral light): The light projected from both sides of the door, mainly used for both side of the characters and the scenes, increase the flat, contour.

4. Top light: From the stage above the stage, it is divided into a row of top light, two rows of top light, three rows of top light, etc., mainly used for stage spot illumination, and there are many scenery. , Point of the props.

5. Backlight: The light projected from the stage inverse direction (such as top light, bridge light, etc.), can outline the character, the contour of the scene, to enhance the flat feeling and transparent sense, can also be used as a specific source.

6. Bridge light: Turn to the stage of the stage on both sides of the stage, mainly used to assist column light, strengthen the plane, and use the orientation of other light positions, or as a specific source

7. Foot: The light projected onto the stage before the tensile, the main auxiliary surface light illumination and the shadow constituted by high-profile characteristics such as surface light.

8. Tiandi Distance: From the bottom of the sky and below the light, it is mainly used for the lighting and color change of the sky.

9. Active light: On the active light stand on both sides of the stage, the main auxiliary bridge light, supplement the stage and other specific lights.

10. Chasing: Self-view, the light space required to use, mainly used to track the actor's play or highlight a particular light, and used for the handler, is the close-up of the stage art, play the role of the dragon.

Second, common lamps and characteristics

1. Spotlight: It is one of the most common main lamps in the stage lighting. It reflects the light concentration, which is relatively clarified, and can protrude a portion, or a large spot illumination is a region, as the main source of the stage, often used in surface light, slash, side light and other optical positions.

2. Soft light: light is geared and uniform, both of which can highlight some part, and there is no stiff spot for several lights. Often used for column light, active light, etc. nearly intervals.

3. Turning light: It is a reflective lamp, its characteristics are hard, high illumination and range of radios, is an economical and efficient glare.

4. Alight: Light diffusion, well-proportioned, large projection area, is divided into days-discharged light and ground discharge, often used in the sky-screen maneulent, or the ordinary lighting of the theater chairpers.

5. Outline light: The principle is between the chasing lights and spotlights, which is a special lamps, mainly used for the outer projection of characters and scenery.

6. Footlights (also known as lights): generous light, and is common. Mainly used to medium views, web views, cloth, and color surface lighting can also be accepted.

7. Light column lamp (also known as the tensile lamp): It is currently used in more common, can be used in the lighting of people and scenery, or directly devices on the stage, exposing the audience, constitutes the lamp array, do a stage decoration and lighting dual role.

8. Sports and sky-curtain effect lights: Make an overall picture on the stage, and a variety of special effects, such as: wind, rain, thunder, electricity, water, fire, smoke, cloud, etc.

9. Computer lamp: This is a smart lamp controlled by DMX512 or RS232 or PMX signal. It is better than the above conventional luminaire, which is a smart lamp in recent years. , Top light, rear steps, etc., the color, shape, diagram, etc. in the operation can be programmed. Due to differences in power, it is different from the stage. Ordinary small power computer lights, only suitable ballrooms are used. Small power computer lights on the stage, spot is often spotted by the stage, and the backlight is dimmed, so you should pay special attention to the choice.

10. Pursuant light: It is the light fixture of the stage light. The characteristics are high brightness, and the lens imaging can be used, which can present a clear spot. After conditioning the focal length, it can also change the spot true and false. There is activity light bar, which can be paid for color, and the lamp body can be moved. At present, there are many types of markets, and the marking indicators are different. For example, the power is specified, such as 1 kW tungsten halide light source, 1 kW metal halide light source, 2 kW metal halide light source, etc., there is also a standardized chasing light (in specific Space, illuminance, illumination, 15-30M chasing light, 30-50M chasing light, 50-80 chasing light, etc., and discrimination in function: mechanical chasing light , Its focus, light bar, change color is manually completed; the other is the computer chasing light, its focus, lightbar, change color, adjusting the color temperature passes through the push-pull electrical appliance, so it must be Seriously select various indicators.