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glossary of stage lighting for Chinese beginner

Publish Time: 2022-09-13     Origin: Site

glossary of stage lighting for Chinese beginner

glossary of stage lighting for Chinese beginner

1. 光学与灯具种类

白炽灯incandescent lamp

卤钨灯tungsten halogen lamp

反射型灯泡reflector lamp

PAR 灯泡parabolic aluminized reflector lamp

AC 灯air craft landing lamp

金属卤化物灯metal halide lamp

镝灯dysprosium lamp

氙灯xenon lamp

荧光灯fluorescent light 

三基色荧光灯three-basic-colour spotlights/primary colour fluorescent light 

紫外线灯ultraviolet lamp; UV light ; black light 

聚光灯spot light 

平凸(透镜)聚光灯plano-convex spotlights

螺纹聚光灯fresnel spotlight

非球面透镜聚光灯aspherical plano-convex spotlight

成像聚光灯profile spotlight

椭球成像聚光灯ellipsoidal reflector spotlight; profile spotlightPAR 灯PAR light 

泛光灯flood light 

天排灯cyclorama light; up horizon light 

地排灯ground row; low horizon light 

天幕灯cyclorama light; horizon light 

条灯border light ; strip light 


追光灯follow spot

电脑灯moving light 

聚光电脑灯moving spot light

染色电脑灯moving light for wash

视频投映设备video projector 

LED 显示屏LED screen 

低色温光源low colour temperature luminaire

高色温光源high colour temperature luminaire

发光二极管light emitting diode 


触发器ignitron; ignitor

平均寿命averrage life


灯头cap; base

灯泡插脚pin; post 

安全链safety chain ; safety wire

灯梁 yoke


抱卡式灯钩clamp hanger

滤色片colour filter ; gel

图案片gobo; pattern

换色器colour changer

色温colour temperature

2. 控制

调光控制台lighting console

控制回路control channel 

遥控装置remote device 

解码器decoderDMX 512 

数字信号传输协议DMX 512 portocol
3. 灯光
舞台灯光stage lighting 


光斑beam spot 

光色light colour 


渐明fade in 

渐暗fade out