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What is a box truss used for?

What is a box truss used for?waht is a box truss used for events in middle east or KSA?aluminum box truss are the most used and common event truss for events

4 things about Thomas Truss?

What is Thomas Truss?what are dimesions and types of Thomas truss?what are the features of Thomas truss? what is the relationship between Thomas truss, James Thomas Engineering, TOMCAT TRUSS and Milos truss?

How do you hang lights on a truss?

How do you hang lights on a truss?When you hang something above your head, it is always possible to fall and cause injury or death. If an item hangs above the head level, the item could fall if the rigging fails. The lights hung with the rigging could also fall. So you have to be careful while light

What Is Truss In Lighting?

What Is Truss In Lighting? Lighting trusses are commonly used for stage lighting or gantries. Its strength allows you to hang lights or large LED screens on it. The trusses used for stage lighting are generally used with other auxiliary equipment. We primarily consider the structural benefits of the