what is lighting truss With the innovation of science and technology, increasingly more metal products are appearing in people's lives. Different kinds of metal products are of great significance to people's lives. The product we are introducing today is a type of truss, it is a lighting truss. Havi
how to set up lighting truss As people's quality of life has increased, their entertainment has begun to diversify and a variety of commercial activities have emerged. This is why the use of trusses is increasing. The truss is a prop with a wide range of applications. As a metal product, it can be m
how to build a lighting truss Lighting is an essential presence in event performances. With the development of the plot, with light colours and their changes, the application of lighting can not only show the environment and render the atmosphere, but also highlight the central characters and create
how to assemble lighting truss The lighting truss is a type of truss that is connected to the stage equipment to illuminate it, and it is available in a wide variety of shapes and sizes that are highly customisable. As the number of commercial events increases, lighting trusses are being used more a
How to hang stage truss? The stage is the space provided in a theatre for the actors to perform, which allows the audience to focus on the actors' performance and obtain the desired viewing effect. The stage usually consists of one or more platforms. The product we are introducing today is related t